We propose that the next DfH meeting (May 24-25 in Lyon as already announced) be used to look, in a hands-on way, at the challenges involved in adopting such an approach and, based on the outcome of this communal exercise, to determine the priorities for the development both of tools and our community into the future.
We, further, propose that the meeting focus particularly on the question of model alignment: challenges and needs. The introductory session would provide a practical look at model alignment of historical data to the CIDOC CRM, showing the components and steps necessary to effect a model using a case study from the symogih.org data structure. We would then invite members of the community to present their own use cases, having prepared in advance a short presentation of their model and the challenges or concerns they would have in terms of representing this data with CRM and, thereby, linking it to compatible datasets. At the end of the practical introduction and the case study presentations, we will hold group discussions to discuss the questions arising and document the key challenges and priorities to address moving forward.
The point of this format of meeting would be to elicit, together, the real practical challenges and needs in adopting CRM and semantic data standards in the historical community and, from this, to strategize the priority of development and the seeking of funds together. In this way, we propose to begin to generate answers to the general questions we began to raise with our first session. As preparation for the meeting, we would invite the designated conveeners form the last meeting (see Interest groups) to begin to open up these topics in the next weeks with interested projects/parties. In the leadup to the next meeting of DfH, members are invited to share thoughts and questions via the forum.
Public page : http://dataforhistory.org/2nd-data-for-history
Is there already any idea for a detailed timeline? (i.e. when the meeting will start/end)?
As we are organising this meeting during the CIDOC CRM one, I propose that we follow their schedules:
Thursday 24th May: 9h30 to 13h and 14h to 17h30 (officialy but could be 18h)
Friday 25th May: 9h30 to 13h00 (with probably a joint session with CIDOC CRM from 9h30 to 11h)