This video introduction about the role of European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) provides a possible vision for the infrastructure that could be built by the consortium.
This call TOPIC : Prototyping new innovative services seems to be one of the possible ones to build such an infrastructure. It should start from "systems and technologies that have reached TRL 6 ( technology demonstrated in relevant environment - industrially relevant environment in the case of key enabling technologies) before the start of the project and will be brought to at least TRL 8 (system complete and qualified) by the end of the project", which could be a hub for browsing, editing, analyzing and publishing historical data.
Planned opening date:
16 October 2018
29 January 2019 17:00:00
The basic issue is to know if we can federate existing infrastructures and build a coherent service ontop of them. And to identify relevant and interested institutional partners.