Adding a new property

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Adding a new property

Check first the property you want to create does not already exist by searching the property list.

If this is the case, select the class to which you want to add a property. Note: you can only add a property to a class that is part of a namespace managed by a project you're belonging to.

In the "Properties" tab, switch to edit mode by clicking the green button on the upper right.

Click on the required blue "Add" button to open the add form for an ongoing property or an ingoing one:

  • Identifier in namespace: add the identifier of the property in the namespace. For example, “P210”. Note: in most case, you don't have to add an identifier, OntoME will create it for you with the instructions given by the project.
  • Range (for an ongoing property) or Domain (for an ingoing property): select the required class. At the moment, when creating an ingoing property, you can only choose a domain class that is part of the same namespace as the range class.
  • Quantifiers: four quantifiers are provided: Domain instances min quantifier; Domain instances max quantifier; Range instances min quantifier; Range instances max quantifier.
  • Label: at the moment, you can only add the ongoing label. Adding the ingoing label will be implemented soon. Select the required language in the list below. English is the default language.
  • Scope note: type or copy/paste the scope note in this field. Use only plain text format if you copy/paste a note to clean up all unnecessary tags. You can edit your text using the included rich text editor functions. Select the required language in the list below. English is the default language.
  • If you want to add an example, click on  "Add an example" below the form. At the moment, you can only add one example when creating the property. You can add more examples once the property is created.

Click on the "Save" button, your property is created!