List of issues

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List of issues

Issues to be processed:

  • 385 Social Relationships
  • 358 CRMsoc and scope of CRM modules (HW introduction of CRMsoc)
  • 359 (inf/soc)mental state (proposal by MD)
  • 369 Timed relation (proposal by FB)
  • 343 End of Existence for Rights
  • 335 New class Right Holding (Martin HW)
  • 333 Model for Plans (Martin HW)
  • 173 Exchange transactions (possibly to CRMsoc)
  • 172 Temporality of rights (possibly to CRMsoc)
  • 330 Physical Ownership and Right

Issues closed:

CRMsoc project?

The social (and obviously even more so the legal) aspect of these issues caught my attention. Can someone provide some contextualisation of this "project"? I assume it relates to a SIG in the CIDOC institutional context, is that correct? And how is it related to the DfH consortium, is there any public documentation about it?

Thank you

PS. Some contextualisation: I am working as DH advisor in the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History and formal description of legal phenomena is something that would be crucial for many projects that I am involved in.

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