Issue proposal - publishing historical gazetteers & alignments to ontologies (CIDOC ..)

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Issue proposal - publishing historical gazetteers & alignments to ontologies (CIDOC ..)

Today, many digital humanities projects rely on geo-historical datasets for spatial analysis purposes and digital texts & maps annotation. The dissemination of these data sets according to Linked Data best practices in the sense of initiatives such as Pelagios and the World Historical Gazetteer (WHG) is of great interest for the community and is the main concern of the French workshop “Geo-historical reference data for the humanities” [1]. The GeoHistoricalData team, partner of this initiative, produces and share geo-historical datasets regarding the French territory for several years[2]. The team is now looking for interoperable ways to further disseminate their data. During the Leipzig meeting, we would like to discuss an ongoing work that aims to produce an ontology extending the LinkedPlaces model, to be able to share these data with the WHG and also to perform automated reasoning later on. We would finally like to be conceptually compatible with CIDOC-CRM or any other community ontology, and for that matter, we believe the consortium Data for History can help us with those questions.

Links of interest (in French):


