New Profiles API – Documentation

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New Profiles API – Documentation

Profiles list

List of profiles that have been closed and published or for which publication has been forced, even if they are not yet closed.



* Profiles

// Model
interface profiles {
profileID: number,
profileLabelLanguage: string,
profileLabel: string,
profileDefinitionLanguage: string,
profileDefinition: string,
ownedByProjectID: number,
ownedByProjectLabelLanguage: string,
ownedByProjectLabel: string,
selectedByProjects: { numberOfProjects: integer, [{projectID: number, projectLabelLanguage: string, projectLabel: string}]},
isOngoingForcedPublication boolean,
dateProfilePublished: string,
dateProfileDeprecated: string

// REST API, find all
// returns all profile records

// REST API, find all profiles filtered by project
// returns all profile records filtered by project

// REST API, find all profiles filtered by project
// returns all profile records filtered by project


Classes API

List of classes that belong to a single profile or to all the profiles chosen by a project.



* Model classes_profile
// Model
interface classes_profile {
classID: number,
classLabelLanguage: string,
classLabel: string,
classScopeNoteLanguage: string,
classScopeNote: string,
entityBasicType: number, // can be a persistent item (value: 8), type (value: 30), temporal entity (value: 9) or region value: 10)
entityBasicTypeLabel: string,
classIdentifierInNamespace: string,
namespaceURI: string,
namespaceID: number,
namespaceLabelLanguage: string,
namespaceLabel: string,
profileAssociationType: string,
profileID: number,
profileLabelLanguage: string,
profileLabel: string

// REST API find all class_profile records of profile
// returns class_profile records of classes available in a profile = 8

// REST API find all class_profile records where profile is selected by project
// returns class_profile records where the profile was selected by project = 6


Properties API

List of properties that belong to a single profile or to all the profiles chosen by a project.



* Model properties_profile
interface properties_profile {
propertyID: number,
propertyLabelLanguage: string,
propertyLabel: string,
propertyInverseLabel: string,
propertyScopeNoteLanguage: string,
propertyScopeNote: string,
isInherited: boolean,
propertyDomain: number,
domainInstancesMinQuantifier: number,
domainInstancesMaxQuantifier: number,
propertyRange: number,
rangeInstancesMinQuantifier: number,
rangeInstancesMaxQuantifier: number,
identityDefining: boolean,
isHasTypeSubproperty: boolean, // is a subproperty or equivalent property to CRM E55 Type
propertyIdentifierInNamespace: string,
namespaceURI: string,
namespaceID: number,
namespaceLabelLanguage: string,
namespaceLabel: string,
profileAssociationType: string, // explicitely declared or through general inheritance
profileID: number,
profileLabelLanguage: string,
profileLabel: string

// REST API find all properties_profile records of profile
// returns property_profile records of properties available in a profile = 8

// REST API find all properties_profile records where profile is selected by project
// returns property_profile records where the profile was selected by project = 6