Workshop on data modelling and technical infrastructure for linking Heloise datasets
20 October 2015, Morning
The planned workshop addresses the issue of interlinking data stemming from different Heloise projects. The main objective is to compare the structure of existing data, hosted in different formats and software platforms, and to show how they can be aligned using semantic technologies with the aim of executing queries on different databases at the same time. We will in this way initiate a process leading to the definition of a Heloise Common Research Model (HCRM).
In preparation for the workshop, we ask all Heloise partners interested in this project to provide sample records for persons, events, locations or institutions (data volume: 20 to 100 records). The data should be provided in the original structure, preferably in SQL, CSV or XML format. Well structured text files or spreadsheets are also suitable. In addition, we are interested in a description of the data model or vocabulary as well as of the data management system currently used, if available. Previously supplied documentation should be resubmitted. Data and accompanying documentation should be submitted in a zipped folder named to reflect the own project title, and sent by email to Thomas Riechert and Francesco Beretta.
During the workshop we will present an analysis and comparison of the data models and vocabularies provided and discuss the outlines of an Heloise Common Research Model (HCRM).
Deadline for submission of datasets : 9 September, 2015